Anglian Water Chalton WRC installed a Tertiary Treatment Plant including the largest sand filter system in Europe, designed in response to a significant change in the standards required for discharge. Nearby Flitwick Moor is a sensitive wildlife site and the wastewater needs to be treated to a high standard to remove ammonia during treatment process. The works receives three quarters of its flows from the Luton catchment area. Case Study
Laurence Dunn ran this case study project for Bollfilter UK in 2019. He wrote the copy and put it together. He outlines the stages below.
“Bollfilter UK’s Chalton Ammonia reduction case study for Anglian Water was an important part of Boll and Kirch’s 2020 website update, new content for a new webpage with a viewable PDF. Creating a new case study can be a challenging task, plenty of time has to be allowed for legal approvals, as well as writing the text and taking photographs. Fully documented permission must be granted and agreed with the many organisations involved. In this case, Anglian Water, Colloide, Bollfilter UK and Boll and Kirch in Germany.”
This case study was easier as the Bollfilter UK service engineer took some photographs while servicing the Bollfilter at the Chalton Ammonia reduction site, saving us 50% of the usual case study creation costs. We allowed a 6-month project timeline as we knew it would take this long for full approvals.
Chalton Ammonia reduction project case study was completed in 5 months, with only 3 versions needed before it was fully approved by all parties.
Project cost was £323.75 plus UK VAT at 20%. Costings broken down as follows.
Reasonable costs if you consider the stages and skills needed. MiE also provide vehicles and equipment as a professional UK based marketing and advertising contractor should.”
Laurence Dunn