Mopar part 05143192AA strikes again. The scene is set, you get in your Jeep, its cold so you turn up the thermostat to max. There is almighty clunking chunking flapping clattering noise! Has my gearbox failed? Has the engine failed? WTF!
Have no fear its a little box in the HVAC system that has just shat itself. The little black HVAC blend control air door actuator or Mopar part 05143192AA for Jeep Commander and Jeep Grand Cherokee has broken. The part should last around 15 years of regular daily use. It did on my Jeep.
Jeep Commander 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 Main HVAC Heater Blend Door Actuator
Jeep Grand Cherokee 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 Main HVAC Heater Blend Door Actuator
The blend door actuator features a more rugged internal circuit board which resists heat, corrosion, and vibration. resists failure, overheating, and burnout. Reduce noise effectively by which you can enjoy a quiet travel.
This non-OEM part on the right hand side of the 2 photos below only lasted 6 months on my Jeep. Buy the OEM it will save you money in the long run. Both parts are made in China, but its the Mopar quality control that counts here.
This OEM part on the left hand side of the 2 photos will save you money in the long run. Watch my videos.